
After signing up with SmartPT, HealingClique to streamline patient care and increase efficiency - thus upscaling their physical therapy business.

Shikha Jotla

Shikha Jotla PT

Fast Facts


SCF 26 phase 11 Mohali

In Business Since:


SmartPT Member Since:


Key Achievements

Optimise workflow in order to treat patients better and continue growing business.

Implementing physical therapy software can help meet the digital world’s needs while simultaneously improving operational efficiency and profitability.

Helps you and your patients by providing online consultations on the same platform.


HealingClique is a female-led organisation. It was founded and is run by PT Shikha Jotla. It is a mid-sized physical therapy clinic since 2011.


Whether it’s the stress of urgent patient care or the strain of meeting demanding regulations and compliance standards, operating as a healthcare professional can be challenging with so many pressures on every department within an organisation. Just like any other physical therapy clinic owner, Shikha faced similar issues in managing the staff and the patients, especially with creating home exercise plans in the online mode.

Since HEPs are one of the essential components of physical therapy, Shikha did not want to compromise the quality and the focus on creating those customised plans for her patients in the online consultations. As her clientele was increasing, she came across SmartPT, the physical therapy software that eventually made her life easy.

Through the software, she could easily deliver tailor-made HEP from the library of HEPs as per the requirements of her patients. Furthermore, with SmartPT in place, she could increase efficiency while lowering expenses and risk at the same time.


The library of HEPs helped her the most as she then got the time to focus on more important things rather than recording good quality video training sessions. The need for video equipment, the number of physical therapists, some for creating the exercise videos and a few for the online consultations decreased. Thus SmartPT helped Shikha a lot of time and vast sums of money.

Shikha used SmartPT to share information with other professionals in the field, such as nurse practitioners and physician assistants, with the help of the cloud-based system.

“I no longer needed to set up hourly meetings for patient updates to keep everything on track.”

She gave her patients access to real-time treatment recommendations based on their clinical history, symptoms and goals.

Furthermore, she could now exercise the ability to assess patient satisfaction with the results of treatment achieved so far through patient surveys and self-report questionnaires.


With the in-built record-keeping features, Shikha was fascinated to track progress and review previous visits, assessments and treatments of her patients. This practice tremendously increased the retention of her patients, which in turn levelled up the customer satisfaction rate of HealingClique.

Within a few years, Shikha Jotla realised she was investing a lot of money in her management staff. Beginning from reception to staff for scheduling appointments, maintaining records, and the list goes on. Thankfully, with SmartPT, she reduced costs by decreasing overhead costs such as staff time, rent, utilities, and the list goes on.

One of her favourite features is smart scheduling through SmartPT’s calendar. This calendar can be accessed by the patient and her team members via desktop or mobile app. This makes it easy to quickly make changes or reschedule appointments without having to shuffle through paper calendars or a desk drawer full of sticky notes.

“I’d say SmartPT has been my handy-helper. Without a doubt, it enables physical therapists to work more efficiently and effectively by bringing order to their workflow and streamlining processes. And finally, it provides patients with better access to care through convenience and accessibility.”

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